A big thank you to our donors! The invaluable experience gained by our students in internship positions relies on the financial support of our donors.
You can make a secure credit card gift to Stanford Global Studies Internship Program by using the Stanford Giving website noting Global Studies Internship Program in the Special Instructions/Other Designation.
You can also mail your contribution to the Program office. Checks should be made payable to “Stanford University.”
For specific giving opportunities, please contact: Scott Sugiura, Associate Director of Development; ssugiura [at] (ssugiura[at]stanford[dot]edu), (650) 723-1208.
For information about hosting an internship, please contact: Grace Munene, Program Manager, Global Studies Internship Program, gmunene [at] (gmunene[at]stanford[dot]edu), 521 Memorial Way, Stanford, CA 94305-6023.
Annual Newsletter
Global Internships is an annual newsletter from the Global Studies Internship Program.
Read the Fall 2023 newsletter here