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Annual SGS Student Dinner with UN Goodwill Ambassador Nadia Murad
Mon April 17th 2017, 6:00pm
Event Sponsor
Stanford Global Studies Division
Faculty Club, Gold Room and Patio
Please join us for an evening with Stanford Global Studies students and faculty from across our 15 centers and programs. Our guest speaker is Nadia Murad Basee Taha, a Yazidi survivor of human trafficking, human rights activist, and 2016 Nobel Peace Prize winner. In 2016, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) appointed her Goodwill Ambassador for the Dignity of Survivors of Human Trafficking.
Ms. Murad is a 23-year-old Yazidi woman, who was born and raised in the agricultural village of Kocho, in northern Iraq, and was kidnapped and held captive by the Islamic State group in August 2014. Following her escape, she briefed the UN Security Council in the first-ever session on human trafficking in December 2015.
In her role as Goodwill Ambassador, Ms. Murad's main goals are to focus on advocacy initiatives and to raise awareness of the millions of victims of trafficking, especially refugees, women, and girls. She also spoke at the opening of the United Nations Summit for Refugees and Migrants in September 2016.
A relentless advocate for victims, Ms. Murad was recently named one of Time Magazine's "100 Most Influential People of 2016" and was awarded the Vaclav Havel Human Rights Prize in honor of her efforts. In the fall of 2016, she launched Nadia's Initiative, which aims to help women and children victimized by genocide, mass atrocities and human trafficking to heal and rebuild their lives and communities.
6:00 p.m. Check-in and reception
6:15 p.m. Remarks
6:45 p.m. Dinner, followed by Q&A and a dessert reception
More information about Ms. Murad:
- Nadia Murad, Yazidi Woman Who Survived ISIS Captivity, Wins Human Rights Prize (New York Times, October 2016)
- Nadia Murad Basee Taha Briefs the UN Security Council on Trafficking of Persons in Situations of Conflict (UN Web TV, 7585th meeting, December 2015)
- Nadia Murad Basee Taha Returns to Brief the UN Security Council in 7847th Meeting (United Nations YouTube Channel, December 2016)
Background resources on the Yazidi community:
News Articles and Media
- “The Yazidis, a People Who Fled” by Emma Green in The Atlantic, August 2014
- “Fighting Back With Faith: Inside the Yezidis’ Iraqi Temple” by Michael Luongo, The Daily Beast, August 2014
- “Who, What, Why: Who Are the Yazidis?” by Diana Darke, BBC News Magazine, August 2014
- "Escaping ISIS" episode on PBS Frontline, July 2015
Scholarly Articles
- "A Brief History of the Yazidis of Iraq" By Matthew Grimm in JSTOR Daily, September 2014
- "Christians, Yazidis, and Mandaeans in Iraq: a survival issue" Digest of Middle East Studies 18, no. 1 (2009): 1-16.
- "Religious Oral Tradition and Literacy among the Yezidis of Iraq" by Eszter Spät in Anthropos 103, no. 2 (2008): 393-403.
- Encyclopaedia Iranica
- Heirs to Forgotten Kingdoms: Journeys Into the Disappearing Religions of the Middle East by Gerard Russell, 2015 (available in the Green Library)
- The Yezidis: The History of a Community, Culture and Religion by Birgül Açikyildiz, 2014 (available on Ebrary)
- The Other Kurds: Yazidis in Colonial Iraq by Nelida Fuccaro, 1999 (available via Sal 1&2, campus shelving)
Contact Email
Kdavidson [at]